Basic concepts and promotion system
Basic concepts of sustainability
Under the corporate philosophy of “continuing to contribute to fulfilling lives filled with smiles for all people,” the Suzuken Group believes that by carrying out our mission as social infrastructure in the business domain of health creation, as well as providing new value through our businesses that contributes to solving social issues, we will also improve our Group’s corporate value.
Partnering with a wide variety of stakeholders in the value chain is indispensable to value creation. We will aim for sustained growth as we nurture relationships of trust with stakeholders and produce great value to solve social issues.
Sustainability promotion system
As the Suzuken Group believes that practicing sustainability management is essential to continue contributing to society, in an effort to promote sustainability management as an integrated group, we established the Sustainability Committee under the direct control of the president in April 2022. The Sustainability Committee takes the lead in building a promotion framework in partnership with each group company.
The Sustainability Committee plans to meet at least once per year as a general rule. It will report the content it reviews to the Board of Directors, and it will exchange views on sustainability issues in the Group, which will then be reflected in the sustainability activities of the Group as a whole.