Group human resource development・Realization of diverse, flexible work styles

Ideas behind the human resource strategy

Key themes in our human resource strategy are “interlocking the management strategy and the human resource strategy,” “promoting Group-wide human resource development,” and “reskilling for DX.” During the three years of the new medium-term management plan, in preparation for becoming a health creation enterprise, we will revitalize our human resources and enhance our human resources portfolio by way of a five-prong approach: “securing human resources,” and “reskilling” to cultivate human resources with expertise in things like DX, “promoting well-being” by promoting health management and reforming work styles, “improving engagement” by providing opportunities to participate in management, for example, and ensuring “diversity & inclusion” so that a variety of human resources can play an active part.

Overall image of human resources strategy

Group human resource development

Human resources are the most important asset in the Suzuken Group. As the environment surrounding the Group is changing dramatically and more rapidly than expected, we feel the need to foster human resources with diverse ideas for responding to changes in order to realize the Group’s goal of becoming a health creation enterprise that will contribute to all elements of patients’ healthcare life cycles.

As the diverse human resources in the Group and in our partner companies work as One Team to contribute to society through our business, we are managing human capital in ways designed to leverage each individual’s growth and capabilities to the fullest.

Human resource development as a whole group

The Suzuken Group is working to train the next generation of leaders and improve the skills of all our Group employees, through training that is tailored to one’s years at the company or one’s position, selective training, support for self-directed learning, and a proposal system, among other initiatives. Our active implementation of joint group training and temporary intra-Group assignments also helps with work skills acquisition and personal network building.

Among these efforts, in our selective training, which employees apply to join, we hold discussions with members of management and conduct group work sessions, and then we provide eager participants with inspiring opportunities—for example, as a member of a new project.

Healthcare DX training session

Developing DX human resources

Also, having established DX promotion as a key aspect of our management strategy, we are focusing our efforts on cultivating human resources who can provide comprehensive solutions, including IT and digital ones, by recommending that employees acquire the national IT Passport qualification and Information Security Management Systems qualification, conducting healthcare DX training, and providing self-development options pertaining to IT/digital and DX.

  • IT Passport qualification: 1,522 employees (in the entire Group)
  • Information Security Management Systems qualification: 48 employees (Suzuken Co., Ltd.)
  • As of March 31, 2022

Developing next-generation leaders

In addition to human resources who will lead the future of each business in the Group, we will promote collaboration with external companies including group companies and partner companies, and build leader development programs such as group meetings, schooling for selected employees within the Group, and rotations inside and outside the Group, in order to develop next-generation leaders who can create or develop new businesses with the idea of “Focus on group functions.”

Promotion of group proposal system, a “Chienowa”

We started a “Chienowa” Group proposal system in April 2022.

It is functioning not only as a proposal system for things like soliciting ideas for work improvements and new businesses, but also as a forum whereby members can share among the Group good practices that have helped improve work efficiency, hold events to facilitate discussions and exchanges of views that lead to new policies, and otherwise feel that they are participating in management via the “One Team” concept.

In fiscal 2022, we collected more than 4,500 proposals from employees of all ages in the various Group companies.

Promotion of diversity

Promoting participation by women

The Suzuken Group strives to create work environments in which women can exercise their capabilities to the fullest. We do this, for instance, by actively hiring women, and assigning them to new projects. Having formulated an action plan based on the Act on Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace, and promoted participation by female employees, three Suzuken Group companies, including Suzuken, have been recognized by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare for their exceptional efforts to promote the careers of women and have received the Eruboshi certification from the ministry.

Since June 2020, Suzuken has had one woman serving on the Board of Directors and one woman serving as an executive officer.

The Eruboshi certifications awarded to S.D. Logi (Level 3)

In July 2023, Suzuken formulated an action plan based on the "Act on the Promotion of Women's Active Participation in Professional Life" (commonly known as the Act on the Promotion of Female Active Participation).

Support for childrearing

The Suzuken Group has prepared, and encourages employees to use, a system that allows them to continue working while also dealing with life events. Recognized as meeting standards qualifying them as companies that support childrearing based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children, seven Suzuken Group companies, including Suzuken have received the Kurumin certification by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare.

The Platinum Kurumin certifications awarded to S.D.Logi

As the importance of work-life balance increases, Suzuken has endeavored to enhance the system for childcare support in line with the purpose of the "Next Generation Development Support Measures Promotion Law." And now, we have established an action plan for 2023-2025 and are working to further enhance it.

Promoting the employment of people with disabilities

Suzuken established the special subsidiary Suzuken JoinUs Co., Ltd. in December 2013. That company actively hires jobseekers who have disabilities, carefully assesses the characteristics of each individual’s disability needs, and then strives to adjust work so that the employee can perform it. Employees are assigned to positions, for example at Suzuken’s headquarters and distribution centers, in which they perform tasks such as invoice processing and data entry. As of June 1, 2022, people with disabilities made up 2.6% of Suzuken’s workforce, more than the 2.3% mandated by law.

Establishing the Beyond Council

We will establish the Beyond Council to bring out the full potential of all employees working in the Group. The Beyond Council will discuss topics such as the establishment of systems and rules to enable employees to play an active role across companies’ boundaries, discussion on equal educational opportunities, and creation of standards for human resource evaluation. We hold discussions across group companies to find and nurture leaders who can play an active role in various businesses and to provide them with opportunities.

Main results

  • You can scroll
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Female employees 1,122 1,038 972
Female employees (% of total) 28.8 30.4 30.1
Female managers - 9.8 10.1
Gender difference in average number of years employed (years) 11.1 10.6 10.4
Women as a % of new hires 52.4 37.8 38.2
Employment rate for people with disabilities (% of total) 2.4 2.6 2.4
% of annual paid leave taken 48.7 52.2 60.6
% of child care leave taken - 18.4 31.6
  • Figures are actual data for each fiscal year or as of the end of each fiscal year.
    • Percentage of female managers’ and percentage of men taking childcare leave are for companies subject to sustainability indicators, while the employment rate for people with disabilities is a Suzuken and Suzuken JoinUs figure, and all other items are Suzuken figures.

Promoting the health of employees and their families

Supporting physical and mental health

Suzuken, Sanki, ASTIS, Shoyaku, Suzuken Iwate, S.D.Logi, Sanwa Kagaku Kenkyusho and Suzuken Business Associe Co., Ltd., and the Suzuken Health Insurance Society were all designated by the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry as Certified Health & Productivity Management Organizations.

Large company category: Suzuken, Sanki, ASTIS, Shoyaku and Sanwa Kagaku Kenkyusho
Small and medium enterprise category: S.D. Logi, the Suzuken Health Insurance Society, Suzuken Iwate and Suzuken Business Associe

The CEOs of Suzuken, Sanki, ASTIS, Shoyaku, Suzuken Iwate, S.D.Logi and Sanwa Kagaku Kenkyusho declare the Health & Productivity Management, and the organization specialized in the promotion of the healthy management has been established at each of the companies.

As a result of these efforts, Suzuken, S.D.Logi, and Suzuken Health Insurance Society have been designated as Certified Health & Productivity Management Organizations for six consecutive years since 2020, Sanki for four consecutive years since 2022, Shoyaku for three consecutive years since 2023, ASTIS, and Sanwa Kagaku Kenkyusho for two consecutive years since 2024 , and Suzuken Iwate, and Suzuken Business Associe for the first time for 2025.

  • The Health and Productivity Management Organization Certification System recognizes corporations that are practicing particularly good health management based on the efforts of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in line with local health issues and the efforts of the Japan Health Council to promote health.

Regarding mental health, Suzuken asks an external company specializing in the field to perform regular stress checks and has put in place a system in which employees can receive counseling by specialists.

The company has also established a health consultation office staffed with an industrial physician and public health nurses with specialized knowledge that employees can tap for information regarding their physical and mental health. At the Group level, we have introduced the HELPO※1 online health consultation service provided by Healthcare Technologies Corp.(Softbank Group) as a step to support and promote good health among employees and their families.

  • ※1
    HELPO: This is a 24/7 online service that enables employees to chat with physicians and other healthcare specialists about health questions and even find a hospital appropriate for their needs.